
When my ten year old asked me what courage was,
I stood in awe almost dropping the pans I was click clacking around in the kitchen.
“Where did you hear that?” I gasped.
“Daddy told me, when people take my lunch money, and when they take my smile, don’t let them take my courage.”
“That can’t be” I thought
You see “daddy” died seven years, three months, and fifteen days ago. He fought for a better America. And COURAGE was his motto.
He wasn’t much of a Jesus man but preaching was his superpower.
So again I stood in the kitchen, flushed with memories while David just stared at me.
“Mommy, daddy said you would know.”
And I stated loud and proud “baby, courage is when you stand up, stand out, and stand for.. something. To stand up for what you believe in. To be unique, stand out but be yourself. Stand for something and everything you believe in right or wrong.”
“Then why does it have R-A-G-E, rage in it?”
“Because baby, not everyone has courage, life sucks all the smiles, lunch money, and fun out of people. That’s why I tell you to never grow up.” image

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